Pink Flowers: Complete List With Names and Pictures

Pink flowers are a symbol of grace, elegance, and femininity. They bring a soft and delicate touch to gardens, bouquets, and landscapes.

Pink Flowers – List of Pink Flowers with Names & Pictures

Pink Flowers

From the vibrant pink rose to the dainty pink tulip, the world of pink flowers offers a wide variety of hues and shapes. In this article, we will explore a comprehensive list of pink flowers with names and pictures, allowing you to appreciate the beauty and charm of these floral treasures.

Pink Rose (Rosa)

The pink rose is the epitome of beauty and romance. With its lush petals and sweet fragrance, the pink rose represents love, gratitude, and admiration. It comes in various shades of pink, from pale blush to vibrant hot pink, and is a popular choice for bouquets, weddings, and special occasions.

Pink Tulip (Tulipa)

Pink tulips are elegant and graceful flowers that symbolize affection and caring. With their slender stems and cup-shaped blooms, pink tulips add a touch of charm to gardens and spring flower beds. They come in shades ranging from light pastels to deeper hues of pink and create a stunning display when planted in clusters or mixed with other spring-blooming bulbs.

Pink Carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus)

Pink carnations are classic and versatile flowers that carry meanings of admiration and gratitude. With their ruffled petals and spicy fragrance, pink carnations are a popular choice for bouquets, corsages, and floral arrangements. They come in various shades of pink and can be easily grown in gardens or containers.

Pink Peony (Paeonia)

Pink peonies are luxurious and extravagant flowers that captivate with their large, fluffy blooms. With their delicate petals and intoxicating fragrance, pink peonies symbolize prosperity, honor, and romance. They are highly sought after for their beauty and make a stunning focal point in gardens and flower arrangements.

Pink Gerbera Daisy (Gerbera)

Pink gerbera daisies are cheerful and vibrant flowers that represent innocence and purity. With their large, daisy-like blooms and sunny disposition, pink gerbera daisies bring a burst of color and joy to gardens and floral displays. They come in shades ranging from pale pink to deep magenta and are a favorite among flower enthusiasts.

Pink Cherry Blossom (Prunus serrulata)

Pink cherry blossoms are a breathtaking sight, heralding the arrival of spring with their delicate beauty. With their soft pink petals and ephemeral nature, pink cherry blossoms symbolize renewal and the fleeting nature of life. They are highly revered in Japanese culture and are often associated with contemplation and the appreciation of natural beauty.

Pink Azalea (Rhododendron)

Pink azaleas are stunning and vibrant flowers that bloom in a wide range of pink shades. With their showy clusters of blooms and glossy green foliage, pink azaleas add a splash of color and charm to gardens and landscapes. They thrive in acidic soil and make a delightful display when planted en masse or as foundation plantings.

Pink Lily (Lilium)

Pink lilies are elegant and majestic flowers that exude grace and beauty. With their trumpet-shaped blooms and captivating fragrance, pink lilies are a symbol of femininity and purity. They come in various shades of pink, from pale blush to deep magenta, and are often used in bouquets, weddings, and formal floral arrangements.

Pink Camellia (Camellia)

Pink camellias are delicate and captivating flowers that bloom in late winter and early spring. With their waxy petals and glossy evergreen foliage, pink camellias add a touch of elegance and charm to gardens and landscapes. They come in various shades of pink and create a stunning display when planted as hedges, in containers, or as standalone specimens.

Pink Orchid (Phalaenopsis)

Pink orchids are exotic and alluring flowers that showcase delicate and intricate blooms. With their vibrant pink hues and elegant shape, pink orchids symbolize love, beauty, and luxury. They are highly prized for their long-lasting blooms and are often used as decorative houseplants or as a focal point in floral arrangements.

Pink Zinnia (Zinnia elegans)

Pink zinnias are cheerful and vibrant flowers that bring a pop of color to gardens and landscapes. With their daisy-like blooms and sturdy stems, pink zinnias are easy to grow and provide a long-lasting display of color throughout the summer months. They come in various shades of pink and attract butterflies, making them a favorite choice for pollinator gardens.

Pink Cosmos (Cosmos bipinnatus)

Pink cosmos are charming and whimsical flowers that grace gardens with their delicate, daisy-like blooms. With their feathery foliage and shades of pink, pink cosmos create a romantic and airy atmosphere in garden borders and cottage-style landscapes. They are easy to grow from seed and provide a profusion of blooms throughout the summer.

Pink Sweet Pea (Lathyrus odoratus)

Pink sweet peas are fragrant and nostalgic flowers that evoke memories of traditional cottage gardens. With their ruffled blooms and sweet scent, pink sweet peas add a touch of vintage charm to trellises, fences, and garden borders. They come in various shades of pink and make lovely cut flowers for fresh bouquets.

Pink Hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis)

Pink hibiscus are tropical and showy flowers that thrive in warm climates. With their large, trumpet-shaped blooms and glossy green foliage, pink hibiscus create a stunning focal point in gardens and landscapes. They come in various shades of pink and attract hummingbirds and butterflies with their nectar-rich blooms.

Pink Poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima)

Pink poinsettias are iconic and festive flowers associated with the holiday season. With their vibrant pink bracts (modified leaves) and dark green foliage, pink poinsettias add a splash of color to indoor spaces during winter. They are often used as decorative houseplants and are a symbol of joy and celebration.

Pink Bleeding Heart (Lamprocapnos spectabilis)

Pink bleeding hearts are delicate and romantic flowers that showcase heart-shaped blooms dangling from arching stems. With their graceful form and shades of pink, pink bleeding hearts add a touch of whimsy and elegance to shady garden areas. They are known for their unique floral structure and are a favorite among gardeners who appreciate their old-fashioned charm.

Pink Dianthus (Dianthus)

Pink dianthus, also known as garden pinks, are fragrant and colorful flowers that bloom in various shades of pink. With their ruffled petals and spicy fragrance, pink dianthus are a popular choice for rock gardens, borders, and containers. They are low-maintenance plants that thrive in sunny locations and attract butterflies and bees.

Pink Verbena (Verbena)

Pink verbena is a vibrant and versatile flower that adds a burst of color to gardens and containers. With its clusters of small, pink blooms and spreading habit, pink verbena creates a cascading effect and attracts butterflies and hummingbirds. It is drought-tolerant and blooms continuously throughout the summer.

Pink Snapdragon (Antirrhinum)

Pink snapdragons are charismatic and charming flowers that showcase spikes of tubular blooms in shades of pink. With their unique shape and vibrant color, pink snapdragons add a playful and whimsical touch to gardens and flower beds. Their snap-like action when squeezed gives them their name. Pink snapdragons come in various shades of pink, from pale pastels to deep rosy tones, and are often used as cut flowers in floral arrangements.

Pink Geranium (Pelargonium)

Pink geraniums are classic and timeless flowers that bring a touch of nostalgia to gardens and landscapes. With their clusters of pink blooms and aromatic foliage, pink geraniums create a vibrant and cheerful display. They are easy to grow and are commonly used in container gardens, window boxes, and borders.


Pink flowers encompass a wide range of shades and species, each with its unique beauty and symbolism. From the romantic and elegant pink rose to the delicate and whimsical pink tulip, the world of pink flowers offers a plethora of choices for gardeners and flower enthusiasts.

Whether you prefer the soft pastel pinks or the vibrant and bold shades, incorporating pink flowers into your garden or floral arrangements can bring a sense of grace, femininity, and joy. From bouquets for special occasions to landscape designs, the versatility of pink flowers allows them to create stunning displays in various settings.

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